Monday, 26 November 2012

Man and His Heinous Acts

Humans have influenced the overall health of our ecosystem. We are often tagged as the most intelligent species but on the contrary we have done enough to deteriorate our environment. This is highly irresponsible and mean for humans to think that we own the planet. We are part of a hierarchy and being on the top of the food chain doesn’t give us the rights to manipulate nature for our own good. We have to live in harmony with other animals and plants. While man was totally indulged in finding easier ways through science, he ended up creating slow poison which can’t be eliminated now.

Ozone is considered as one of the chief factors that makes life possible on the plant. We didn’t fail to affect our protection too and now there is a hole in it. This hole lets a lot of harmful radiation to enter our environment which has lead to extinction of many species that we are not even aware of. Global warming is yet another problem we have chosen for us. Hydrocarbon Refrigerants use in industries can be accounted as the main culprits. This leaves us with no choice but to look for r22 replacement refrigerant. Oz-Chill is now providing with green refrigerants which has no effect on the planet.

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